by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Gorean Guide, SecondLife
Written by: Umberto Giano Images by: Celestial Pleides & Lita Menges The mighty Vosk River flows westward across the counter-earth of Gor, emptying into the great sea of Thassa. For thousands of years merchants navigated this broad and powerful river, plying their...
by Filipa Thespian | Dec 21, 2011 | Magic & Spellcasting, Races & Characters, Special Abilities
Written by: Umberto Giano & Vanatosis Arentire Images by: Filipa Thespian & Vanatosis Arentire The beast lunges through the underbrush, its awareness heightens as it dodges low branches and bounds over small gulleys cut into the earth. The recent rain leaves...
by Filipa Thespian | Dec 21, 2011 | Magic & Spellcasting, Races & Characters, Special Abilities
Written by: Akemo Draegonne & Puma Nitely Images by: Natacha Haroldson & Vanatosis Arenitre We. Are. Wolves. We are NOT humans. We are NOT human-like. Our human form is simply a mask. Beneath our flesh, lies the maw of the beast, and, like any beast, we are...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 21, 2011 | Combat, Magic & Spellcasting, Special Abilities
Written by: Breezie Noel & Vanatosis Arentire Images by: Filipa Thespian In the world of role-playing, combat can take many forms, from the physical to the mental and spiritual. Physically powerful combatants channel their strength into devastating attacks with...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2011 | Sims
Written by: Vanatosis Arentire Images by: Filipa Thespian Creators: MANY, see images below for names and SLURLs Few things can augment the joy of role-play like the right props. Props are physical, visual. They illustrate and enhance the world around you, making it...