by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2011 | CONTENT CREATORS, SecondLife
Written by: Journey McLaglen Images by: Filipa Thespian Creator: Lucca Claven, Claven’s Wands In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own. ~ Albus Dumbledore from the screenplay, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Walk through the quaint...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2011 | CONTENT CREATORS, SecondLife
Written by: Vanatosis Arentire Images by: Vanatosis Arentire & Zypher Yao I was summoned to the Isle of Harrington to meet with Zypher Yao, a celestial wind dragon who became a Tran dimensional space pirate, and an accomplished sim, starship, and HUD creator....
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2011 | SecondLife
Written by: Leaf Spiritweaver Images by: Natacha Haroldson We are far too comfortable in our lives. Electric light bulbs, burglar alarms, and neighborhood watch programs have lulled us into a sense of safety. Science has taught us that monsters and demons are...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2011 | SecondLife
Written by: Padraig Ashbourne Images by: Filipa Thespian & Sav Lanzet Just a couple years ago, near Venice, archaeologists uncovered the remains of a 16th century woman with a brick stuck between her jaws. Using medieval texts of the time regarding victims of the...
by Filipa Thespian | Sep 7, 2011 | SecondLife
Written by: Padraig Ashbourne Images by: Sav Lanzet & Filipa Thespian There are few people under the age of 50 who don’t connect on some level or another with Star Wars. Decades ago, young parents took their children to see the opening weekend of the...