by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Gorean Guide, Races & Characters
Written by: Verona Lorgsval Images by: Lita Menges A while back I offered to teach my classes on Robes of Concealment and Vile and Vicious Free Women of Gor at a school in Second Life (SL). I was concerned that not only were free women of Gor not really understanding...
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Arms & Armor, Combat
Written by: Umberto Giano Images by: Krise Shephard A brave arm makes a short sword long. The Gladius was the primary sword of ancient Roman soldiers from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD. The Romans adopted the gladius, a double-edged short sword, measuring...
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Online Safety
Written by: Daeden Jessop Images by: Filipa Thespian It occurred in a Second Life nightclub years ago. She was unwinding from a hard day and laughing and joking with other patrons when she met him. This man who would change her life. She was vulnerable with a low...
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Gorean Guide, Lore/History, Races & Characters
Written by: Verona Lorgsval Images by: Lita Menges The Gorean Saga Gor, often called the Counter-Earth, is the alternate reality setting of a series of novels written by John Norman. Taken as a whole, the books are often referred to as the Gorean Saga and has been...
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Gorean Guide, Races & Characters
Written by: Verona Lorgsval Images by: Lita Menges The Villainous Archetypes of Gor I recently completed my magistrate’s course and was discussing out of character (OOC) drama with the assembled group. I relayed a recent fabulous and gory role-play in which I...