by Filipa Thespian | Sep 9, 2011 | Arms & Armor
Written by: Umberto Giano Images by: Filipa Thespian So, you just conquered a strategically important colony belonging to your enemy; after of course subjecting the unfortunate planet to an afternoon of starship-grade planetary bombardment. In the earlier, more...
by Filipa Thespian | Sep 7, 2011 | SecondLife
Written by: Padraig Ashbourne Images by: Sav Lanzet & Filipa Thespian There are few people under the age of 50 who don’t connect on some level or another with Star Wars. Decades ago, young parents took their children to see the opening weekend of the...
by Filipa Thespian | Sep 6, 2011 | Avatars, CONTENT CREATORS
Written by: Journey McLaglan Images by: Brox Riaxik & Patch Thaibaud 1+1 = One Amazing Build, The DNA Cloning Facility DNA has its own unique signature, and that is what makes each of us stand out from the crowd. The same can be said for DNA/Signature skins...
by Filipa Thespian | Sep 6, 2011 | SecondLife
Written by: Leaf Spiritweaver Images by: Natacha Haroldson Those of you who know me, will support me in the statement that I regularly, to quote the proverb, “bite off more than I can comfortably chew.” I have to admit that some part of my brain has come...
by Filipa Thespian | Aug 6, 2011 | Technicalities, Writing Skills
Written by: Umberto Giano & Vanatosis Arentire Images by: Filipa Thespian When the word “emote” is spoken, many people think immediately of LOL, OMG and those little smiley faces (“emoticons”) at the end of text messages. The emote,...