by AnvarraAlecto | Sep 9, 2013 | Technicalities
Not all players take into account the importance of their own personal history. How many times have you worked along just the role play events as your history, even if that role play, for one character, happened in many different sources such as MIRC, IRC, MSN Chat,...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 20, 2012 | CONTENT CREATORS, SecondLife
Written by: Umberto Giano Images by: Filipa Thespian There are two realms. The eldritch realm of the elder gods and powerful magics, which no man may enter, and our mundane realm, where humans exist. Betwixt the world of magic and mankind is a nexus, or junction...
by Filipa Thespian | Oct 5, 2012 | Realms, SecondLife
Written by: Leaf Spiritweaver Images by: James Schwarz In 1997, a then-unknown author opened the door to a world of unexpected magic. This world floated in obscure parallel to our own, and it was as mysterious, fantastic, and deceptively mundane as its creator....
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Gorean Guide, Races & Characters
Written by: Verona Lorgsval Images by: Lita Menges A while back I offered to teach my classes on Robes of Concealment and Vile and Vicious Free Women of Gor at a school in Second Life (SL). I was concerned that not only were free women of Gor not really understanding...
by Filipa Thespian | Mar 9, 2012 | Arms & Armor, Combat
Written by: Umberto Giano Images by: Krise Shephard A brave arm makes a short sword long. The Gladius was the primary sword of ancient Roman soldiers from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD. The Romans adopted the gladius, a double-edged short sword, measuring...