Drama King, Politician, Nit Picker, Brat! Just some of the crimes The Accused may have committed at the Gorean’s in Relay for Life sim. For 200L, the Assassin will write out a Warrant and find the accused no matter where they run. There is no evading the Assassin! Captured and dragged through the streets, the accused is locked in a cage, guarded by the fiercest Mercs and Outlaws.
Relay For Life is a program of the American Cancer Society to remember loved ones lost, celebrate those who survive, and finish the fight against this disease that touches us all. You can help. You can give your time, your passion, your willingness to work. The RFL website can show you how:http://www.relayforlife.org/getinvolved/index.
The funds we raise fuel the fight. Fourteen million survivors will celebrate another birthday this year! GET UP. STAND UP. STAND UP FOR THE FIGHT.